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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

Walking Day #132...Tuesday, January 8, 2013...the front page!?!?!?'re gonna make me cry!!!

Posted by Administrator
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on Wednesday, 09 January 2013 in The Walk Blog

Today we started in the middle of Pine Bluff in a rather empoverished area.  There are some things in life that I do NOT understand, poverty in America is one of many.  I do know that throwing money and GIVING stuff to people is NOT the answer.  I would say if it could be boiled down to one single item that item would be two items, work AND education OR vice versa.  Think about it for a while and perhaps in another forum we can discuss the "mechanics" of just that would look like.  Suffice it to say at this time I believe they go hand in hand.

So after an an hour of walking a woman called out to me "you're the walker I saw you in the paper".  As I approached she said she read about me in the Pine Bluff Commercial and that she was "going to make me cry like that soldier". "Nan" handed me a donation that will go to Camp UTADA.  Thank you, Nan, for the contribution and for alerting me to the newspaper article.  I must confess my ego was rather pleased that I made the front page! and that the store clerk who sold me six copies recognized me (not hard with all the yellow garb and the hat!).  Michael, you did a fine job of the story (objectively speaking, of course!!!).  I am sure all my friends and family who read the story will have the same reaction: "Who is this!?!?!?"  You were very kind.  Lots of waves and taps on the horn as I wound my way through Pine Bluff down route 65 south.  One of my many vices is McDonalds sausage burritos.  One the way out of town I stopped to indulge and bumped into a Viet Nam era veteran and a 91 year old diabetic.  Valerie, the driver, was handed a contribution from "Josef" who served during WWll.  Camp UTADA and Dr. Dave Okubo will be very appreciative. Thank you, sir, for your service and for your generosity.  Several more people came up to me and said they too, had read the story.  Thank you, Mandy James, for your interest and for your contribution.  The kids that go to Camp UTADA will be the recipients of your kindness, I bless you for it.  After all the attention we headed south into a rather rural area, limited traffic and a road with wide shoulders.

When the day was over 20.6 miles (33.2258 km's) had been covered using 40,203 steps and picking up $0.09.  The findings of the day: 1 AT&T cell phone 1 socket extension and 9 pennies.  Wildlife sighted: several red tailed hawks and 1 snake that scared me to death as I was "examining" some of the local flora!  Tomorrow, after a few errands, we vacate The Werner RV Park in Maumelle and head south down route 65 to set up camp in Lake Village, Arkansas.  Thank you to all today who taped on the horn or waved or chatted with your favorite walker...CHEERS!!!

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Joni Bund. The MOM Wednesday, 09 January 2013

I continue to follow your walk, and pray for your safety. I am glad you have left the snow behind, and warmer days ahead. If you read this before you leave with the Contessa, give Pam and Victor my love. They both enjoyed your and Valerie's stay at your home. Happy camping on the next leg od your journey.
Walk on. Walk on. WALK ON! Love. MOM

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