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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

Walking Day #114...Saturday, December 15, 2012...through Clinton and beyond...a pocket full of pennies

Posted by Administrator
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on Sunday, 16 December 2012 in The Walk Blog

Today's walk was dedicated to Ross Lim, my brother's best friend who lost his battle with cancer 30 years ago. Saturday was a delightful day after having rained Thursday night.  Fresh air and a rather nice sunrise (no I am still NOT a morning person!!!).  The weather was warm, so much so that it would have been nice to lose the long johns.  The head wind, however was intense.  Weather channel indicated 15 mph wind outta the south, more like 50!!!  At times I was nearly blown off my feet, especially when a not-so-aerodynamic truck would go by.  Again, the wind ONLY serves to tighten the "martyr mantle", which I must say I wear sooooooo well!!!  After all when it is genetic!!!  On a serious note when those conditions exist I go to my friends, family and colleagues who, some on a daily basis, wished that they ONLY had a head wind to deal with.  They cannot take a break from their diabetes, the cancers go on, the limbs, bodies and minds of some of the soldiers are still missing or distorted.  Not that what I am doing in any way, shape or form compares to what they go through on a daily basis it does gives me an idly, biddy, tiny winnie idea, SMALL THAT IT MAY BE!!!  At the end of the day my resolve to honor them is only increased and my resolve to live my life to the fullest is increased.  After all the IS The Walk of LIFE!!!  This is about living, to honor those who go on LIVING on a daily basis, to honor those who give (gave) us the freedom within in which to pursue our CHOSEN paths in spite of some rather daunting odds. AND to honor the lives of those who literally and figuratively fought so hard to either enjoy their lives or to secure the freedoms that we all so enjoy.  I am so much more appreciative of ALL the freedoms that I enjoy, how they were won and the example that is set for me on a daily basis.  I BLESS YOU ONE AND ALL!!!  Thank you so very much to the pickup that stopped just as I was stopping, Mom, Dad and son Mark.  Two veterans, one dealing with cancer and one dealing with diabetes out of the three.  I bless you for what YOU are doing and did and many thanks for your kind contribution, I am honored to pass it on the Camp UTADA.  Thanks to "Mike" in the supermarket parking lot for his kind contribution, again, Camp UTADA will put it to good use.  A special shout-out goes to the folks at Archie House Black Jack BBQ in Archie, MO for a great meal and the comped shirts, maroon in color.  It was nice to visit with my sister Valerie and her husband Jay who were kind enough to drive down from Independence, MO.  Jay served during Viet Nam and Val has a grandson living with diabetes.  Thank you Jay for your service and I bless Michael as he learns to take responsibly for his disease.

When the day was over 22.5 miles (36.2903 km's) had been walked using 46,194 steps.  Findings for the day: 1 "Rock-Flite" golf ball (how come those are the ones at the side of the road???, hmmmmmm) 1 battery powered Avatar action figure (I guess when they don't light up anymore out the window they go!!!), 2 quarters, 3 dimes, 4 nickels and 18 pennies.  I do believe that is a record for the number of coins found in one day.  There must be some sort of tradition of tossing coins out of a car in Missouri.  Following are the numbers for the week:

Walking week 28:

116.5 miles (187.9032 km's)

237,257 steps

$3.82 in loose change


2,404.6 miles (3,878.3871 km's)

4,645,992 steps

$51.20 in loose change

Currently The Walk is just a mile shy of Lowry City, Missouri on route 13 south-bound.  The motor home is parked in Peculiar, MO and will be moved Monday somewhere to the Springfield, MO area.  Current driver, Jim, will leave this coming Thursday and my bother, Victor, will be joining me on Friday.  Jim, again, many, Many, MANY thanks to you for making this leg of The Walk of Life possible!

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Victor Sunday, 16 December 2012

Thanks for walking for Ross Lim. We named our oldest son, Ross, after him when Ross Lim died. He actually had a kidney disease which is what he died from. He was on dialysis the last couple of years of his life. He died in 1981 and I believe my wife, Pam, was pregnant with our Ross at the time. Who knew that they would both leave this earth so young. And speaking of young, all the families in Newtown, CT need special thoughts and prayers as they are dealing with the devastating loss of their very young ones.

Look forward to joining you, Art, this Friday, either by air or Greyhound (yuck). I might know this afternoon if the air route is a possibility.

Joni the MOM Monday, 17 December 2012

Ah, two sons on the walk together. Oh well Victor, you get the easier part. I know, I did it. I have been trying to recruit someone else for the next leg in the new Year but so far no success from this end. I wish the TV show might have some impact on someone closer to where you are now. thank you Val and Jay for coming down to visit as well. I applaud you Art, for wind or rain, cold or hot, you keep on walking for an honourable cause. Yes, how well I remember Ross Lim and the crazy stuff he and Victor used to entertain us with before he died, and his dear Mom who died of kidney disease as well. How many days I sat by her bedside. Now they are together again. Walk on Arthur, beloved son!Love MOM

Steve Ritter Monday, 17 December 2012

Arthur - Very nice meeting you today! You are welcome to come by anytime. Best of luck in your travels and stay safe!

Steve Ritter
Lakeland High School

Julie Monday, 17 December 2012

To "Joni the MOM", thanks for your kind words on my blog! One day, through my crazy life and blogging about it and my "eats", I will reach my goal weight and apply as a job as a Weight Watcher Leader. Your son is doing an amazing thing! Good luck to all of you, because I know this is a journey for the family as well!

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